Logan and _____
What was the main inspiration for the series?
A mixture of things, I always wanted to try and make nostalgia scary not just through the actual media, but what it represents. I feel like that's the one thing people get wrong about nostalgia based horror.
I also took Sexygirlmax2019 as one of my biggest inspirations. Since I was the same age as the creators when it came out, and I found it terrifying in a feverish sense. Something about it just made me feel terrified in a way I can't describe without sounding generically angsty or corny.
The other, and more obvious inspiration, was Hal (Urano)'s OC DEVIL and the lore around his past. Since at that time I was mixing my OC with other peoples as a weird pseudo character experiement, it ended up spiralling into Logan and _____. I say it's an AU to the ARG URANO and Variou made, since it plays around with the original story.
This was also added in recent, but a few songs from Miracle Musical serve as a motif for the story. Basically if you hear Stranded Lullaby you know shit's going South :).
Lastly I ended up mixing a few parallels to other stories and media, such as 'Everyone Knows That' (yes I know the song got found) as it was a lost song and it reminded me of the song used in myhouse.wav. I also ended up putting a lot of OMORI into it as well since the game had come out and I thought it would be interesting, also since OMORI has been a huge underlying inspiration in my series from the beginning. I also added some references to old 00's girls websites and various manga/ anime I found that fit the vibe and story for the series (I'd like to add the series has given me anxiety shits over seeing nostalgic uwu soft images now).
Was the series based off any personal experiences?
Recently I find early 2000's promo art and aesthetics to be off. I think it's in comparison to a lot of other eras styles, the 00's always felt so squeaky clean but lifeless to me, it's like someone faking being so happy and full of life. I used that alongside the nostalgic lonliness of looking upon old locations from your childhood to create some of the horror.
In terms of my actual childhood I would say going over to my grandma's house and her sister's was always unnerving to me as a kid (fun fact: the photos I took were in my aunt's house), mostly in part again due to how off they always felt when I was by myself.
Did the story change throughout production?
A little bit? I wanted the general idea to be Penny chan fucks up so bad with a job that she actually falls into a depressive spiral and loses her mind from the guilt induced trauma of it. It also serves as a mental beatdown from her mind. One thing I did change a little bit was the fake out Abbie, I wasn't sure how to do this initally but I wanted a tie in to the next season which is more like a mini Goosebumps season on speed and a Nefarious Potion. In this case it's an alternative that briefly appears as a fake out on how Penny chan percieves Abbie's spirit.
Abbie's design itself changed quite a bit since I wanted it to be different enough from Mari's. I liked the ghost with a pair of devil horns 'cause it works both ways. I also wanted her design to be...quiet? If that makes any sense, like she doesn't even say anything just her existence is a trigger for negative memories.
I was going to reference a lot of HAL's other OCs as well but it wouldn't make any sense since Penny chan doesn't know them she only knows DEVIL and the cult. So I made up a buncha characters that I could see Penny chan making up. I guess in the end it made the world she made feel a lot like Homura's fantasy world in Rebellion, which is just ironic.
I also put a lot of flower motifs in as well since, whilst it did start as a reference from OMORI, the usage of bouqets are intended to be how Penny chan apologised to her old friends originally, she thought a bouqet would be enough, so now she associates dead friendships with flowers.
Fredbear and Friends Archive
How the story start originally?
Oh God...Originally it was actually about an old Freddy Fazbear escape room which served as a purgatory for William. It was stupid and it wasn't until I decided to carry on the base concept from Super Mario 64 Beta Archive that it stopped.
Why did you use SMBA as a reference?
It's another mixture of two reasons, one is I liked the idea of an archive for Freddy Fazbear's various failed projects and wanted to use it. The other is more that I feel like, with some ARGs, people take Freddy Fazbears as a company too far in terms of realism. This purely me but I kinda dislike how some people treat the place as if it's Disney in terms of how big it is.
So I wanted to keep it small and go for some fun ideas like company made video games and story boards for ads. Don't get me wrong I did go overboard as well at some points but I wanted to do a juxtaposition on how other people interprate the story for FNAF.
Where there any other influences like Logan and _____?
Alongside SM64BA? I recall a bit of Bunnycat's take on William shifted him more into a tragic figure as his own obsessions became the downfall of his family. I think in general this one of the more original ideas I had for a story, I did add a lot of references to other FNAF ARGs in it though.
Did Pennymania actually make an animatronic suit?
She's not that smart.
How do the tapes function?
You've...kinda got me on that one, I like to think these tapes are being warped by Pennymania as a revenge ploy, given the motif and recurring pattern of her using William's past mistakes to toy with him and break him down, I feel like it kinda makes sense that she'd burn her work into the tapes as well. Outside of the story however I'd say everyone else can see it now as well. It's like if someone released a vid snitching on you, engrained it into a copy of somethin' like Shrek 2 and left it in a bargain bin.
As for why Vanessa doesn't stop, it's because she's too fascinated. Unlike the co host.
Additional questions
Which of the projects was the most fun to work on?
I'd have to say Fredbear and Friends purely out of the amount of things I got to think up of for it (and also it didn't give me anxiety).